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The 37th Week(Rift Store)

作品:The 37th Week



头显:Oculus Quest系列

商店:Rift Store






开发商:Michael Acosta

发行商:Michael Acosta

The 37th Week is an independent, low-budget experimental real-time VR film. Features:
> The user always has full control over the point of view (from the fetus’ side), without having to use any external controllers.
> A responsive VR movie that reacts to user movements and actions seamlesly and that lasts approx. 7-10 mins.
> Plot told via dialogues that take place outside the body, with all audio being directional.
> Director’s commentary available in-app as an on-demand feature (it appears at the end of the first run of the film).
> Selected for 4 major festivals.
Director’s statement:
Birth and pregnancy are events full of magic, but also drama. Although all of us go through that part of life, no one is able to remember how it really was to be inside our mother’s womb. To which extent can fetuses experience what’s going on outside the womb? We wanted to explore the contrast between the calmness inherent in the womb and the complex reality that awaits outside.

